藏餐在美国 :Top Tibetan Restaurants in the USA

康定玛拉亚藏餐 卓玛 2015-12-11发布

In the international world of cuisine, Tibetan cuisine is categorized as part of Himalayan/Nepalese cuisine. Perhaps, due to lack of vegetables andvarious ingredients that are favorable to foreigners, Tibetan cuisine is often served along with Nepalese, Indian, Chinese and even Bhutanese cuisine in these restaurants abroad. Traditional Tibetan cuisine reflects its geographic limitations in growing various crops, plants and animals in the region. Thus, its main dishes are often tsampa (barley), noodles, potato dishes, yoghurt, butter and meat dishes of mutton and beef.


With Tibetan population scattered around the world these days, Tibetan cuisine is brought to various countries and begins to form a modern fusion cuisine.Curry, masala, seafood, chicken, and various vegetables are commonly mixed inmodern version of Tibetan cuisine.

随着越来越多的藏族人移居海外将藏族饮食文化带到各个国度,藏餐逐渐和其他菜系融合演变。在国外很多的藏餐厅里,咖喱, 格兰马撒拉等调味, 还有海鲜以及各种蔬菜都常用于新式藏餐的制作。

Today, we will explore some of the most popular Tibetan restaurants in the USA. 今天,我们一起来了解一下美国最有名的几家藏餐馆。

1. Lhasa Fast Food/ Rating: 5/ Jackson Heights, NewYork 评分:5 / 美国纽约杰克逊海茨

To accommodate for fast pace life in New York, this restaurant only servesTibetan fast food. The main dishes are momo, noodle soup. La Phing, and MokThuk. La Phing Serpo which usually made from mung beam flour and its look like jelly but this La Phing is made from wheat four. Though it is small, the Lhasa Fast Food becomes an attraction for many westerners and Tibetans abroad to taste Tibetan cuisine. Source: www.yelp.com

为了适应纽约快节奏的生活,名为Lhasa Fast Food 的这家餐厅主要提供快餐式的藏餐。主要提供的食物有藏式包子,面条,凉粉和饺子。不同于常规的凉粉,这种黄凉粉由麦子为原料制成。虽然店面很小,还是有很多慕名前来的客人想要品尝传统且正宗的藏餐。

2. Tibet Kitchen/Rating: 4.9/ Colorado 评分:4.9 / 美国科罗拉多州

Located in Colorado, Tibet Kitchen mainly serves traditional Tibetan foodalong with some modified Chinese vegetable dishes such as Tofu and Bokchoy and seasonal vegetables. Source: https://www.tibetkitchen.com

坐落在美国科罗拉多州的Tibet Kitchen提供传统的藏餐,以及一些改良的中餐菜肴,比如豆腐,青菜,以及其他时令蔬菜。

3. Nomad Tibetan Cuisine/ Rating: 4.5/ San Francisco

评分:4.5 / 美国旧金山

Located at San Francisco, the Nomad Tibetan Cuisine, it serves “Traditional Tibetan Cuisine with a Modern Twist”. Following western style, its menu comes with appetizers & salads, main entrée, sides, beverages and desserts. The main entrees are mostly seafood, lamb, beef and chicken. As for seasoning, it features curry, masala, black peppers, ginger with other generic seasonings. The cooking has heavy presence of Chinese cuisine in the USA. Source: www.yelp.com & https://nomadtibetan.com

Nomad Tibetan Cuisine 坐落在美国旧金山,它的口号是“给传统的藏餐赋予现代的意义”。这家藏餐馆的菜单符合美国人的习惯,分别有开胃菜/沙拉,主菜,配菜,饮品以及饭后甜点。主菜通常是海鲜类,羊肉,牛肉以及鸡肉。菜肴制作中添加咖喱,格兰马撒拉,黑胡椒,生姜等中餐常用调味料。整体菜单很明显受美国改良版的中餐的影响。

4. Tashi Delek/ Rating: 4.5/ El Cerrito, California 评分:4.5 / 美国加利福尼亚州

Heavy with Indian and Nepalese cuisine, Tashi Delek restaurant also serves Tibetan cuisine and some Bhutanese dishes. Some of the most welcome dishes are Pakora, Vegetable Samosas, Tikka Masala and Momo, as well as Thukpa. Source: www.yelp.com

主打印度和尼泊尔菜肴,这家名叫Tashi Delek的餐厅也供应藏餐和部分不丹菜肴。这家餐厅最受欢迎的菜肴是油炸蔬菜,蔬菜萨莫萨饼,烤鸡咖喱,藏式包子以及藏式面条。

5. Sherpa House Restaurant & Cultural Center/Rating: 4.4/ Colorado 评分:4.4 / 美国科罗拉多州

Run by Lhakpa Sherpa and his family, Sherpa House Resturant & Cultural Center provides authentic Himalayan cuisine along with various activities for the guests. Source: https://ussherpahouse.com 由Lhakpa Sherpa和他的家人经营,Sherpa House Restaurant & Cultural Center是坐落在美国科罗拉多州的一家提供喜马拉雅菜肴的餐厅。同时这家餐厅还组织各种活动和沙龙,以及一些公益活动。

6. Café Tibet/ Rating: 4.3/ Brooklyn, New York

评分:4.3 / 美国纽约布鲁克林

7. Tibet’s Restaurant & Bar/ Rating: 4.2/Colorado

评分:4.2 / 美国科罗拉多州

The owners of the restaurant are Nepalese and Tibetan from Nepal. The restaurant is decorated with authentic Tibetan religious and social icons, such as handmade masks, Thangka, tapestries, prayer wheels and prayer flags. Surce: https://www.tibetrestaurant.com

Tibet’s Restaurant& Bar的老板是来自尼泊尔的藏族和尼泊尔人。这家独具藏族风情的餐厅坐落在美国科罗拉多州。极具宗教含义的手工面具,唐卡,挂毯,经轮和五彩的经幡都个性化打造了这个空间。

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